N3PB-PKI.txt Public key information for Phil Benchoff (benchoff@n3pb.org) This is a plain text file which identifies my primary public keys. You can download it from https://pki.n3pb.org/ along with detached signatures you can use for verification. If you have established trust in one of these keys, you can validate the others. ========= PGP keys ========= Current: pub 3072R/83378A94FA6C4994 2011-10-05 [expires: 2021-10-02] Key fingerprint = 5CD5 EFA3 E1C5 20B1 B0ED E38C 8337 8A94 FA6C 4994 sub 3072R/AF1BE4F9363340BA 2011-10-05 [expires: 2020-12-05] Old: pub 1024R/7FDBB08DD827583D 1995-06-05 Key fingerprint = E5 94 A9 D3 2C 65 98 3A E7 F3 B8 F4 A5 30 03 5D You can obtain these keys from the public keyserver network with: gpg --recv-keys 83378A94FA6C4994 7FDBB08DD827583D ================= X509 Certificates ================= I also have a CAcert certificate. I vastly prefer PGP to S/MIME, but here is the info: Certificate: SHA256 Fingerprint=02:73:44:AE:2D:16:E1:51:22:C7:7A:5C:7C:3C:C4:34:60:9F:9C:19:63:88:11:37:34:9C:32:87:CF:CC:E6:F9 Data: Issuer: O=CAcert Inc., OU=http://www.CAcert.org, CN=CAcert Class 3 Root Validity Not Before: May 24 14:27:31 2017 GMT Not After : May 24 14:27:31 2019 GMT Subject: CN=Phillip E. Benchoff/emailAddress=benchoff@n3pb.org/emailAddress=n3pb@blacksburgskywarn.org Chain: Intermediate: CN=CAcert Class 3 Root Root: CN=CA Cert Signing Authority/emailAddress=support@cacert.org You can get the certificate chain at http://www.cacert.org/. ================= Misc Assertions ================= Other bindings between my public key and me: * Twitter: https://twitter.com/n3pb/status/444258668117495809 (2014-03-13 status update, profile link) * LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/philbenchoff (see Publications section, also 2014-03-13 status update) * FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/phil.benchoff/posts/10202691984774054 (requires login) * Keybase: https://keybase.io/n3pb